Maravillas antiguas

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Maravillas Antiguas

A través de las misiones de Elvenar y las maravillas antiguas podemos descubrir un poco más acerca de los misterios que envuelven el llamado Viejo mundo y como de desarrolladas estaban, antes de que la mayoría desaparecieran.

Ahora nos damos cuenta que, en un pasado muy distante había un lugar muy antiguo llamado Unir que era habitado por los humanos, elfos y otras razas distintas llegados hasta un punto donde el gran desarrollo había sido alcanzado. El primitivo origen de todo es aún desconocido pero ahora estamos a punto de descubrir un nuevo legado del viejo mundo: ¡Las Maravillas Antiguas!

Gracias a la recolección de todo el conocimiento y con el soporte de los magos mas sabios de tu ciudad, descubrirás algunos planos de construcción antiguos escritos en arcaicos discos de piedra. Te das cuenta de que están de alguna forma, misteriosamente conectados al camino hacia la herencia de las razas y parece que lo hace unir todo junto. Unur, la naturaleza, la humanidad, Elvenar.. Pero necesitarás un esfuerzo extra para revelarlas todas ya que están selladas con magia rúnica antigua.

¡Con una investigación más larga, explorar tu ambiente más profundamente y escuchar a tus consejeros atentamente, serás capac de descifrar el significado de los poderosos y antiguos discos de piedra para así poder reconstruir las maravillas antiguas de tus ancestros en todo su esplendor diseño arquitectónico y su gran poder mágico !

Vista General de Maravillas Antiguas
Aw c2.png

Maravillas Antiguas Secretas

Aw c3.png

Maravillas Antiguas de la Tempestad

Elf AW Ico.png

Maravillas Antiguas Élficas

Human AW Ico.png

Maravillas Antiguas Humanas

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Maravillas Antiguas Olvidadas

Dwarven AW Ico.png

Maravillas Antiguas Enanas

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Maravillas Antiguas de Hadas

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Maravillas Antiguas de Orcos y Goblins


Maravillas Antiguas de los Elfos del Bosque

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Maravillas Antiguas de los Hechiceros y Dragones

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Maravillas Antiguas de los Medianos

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Maravillas Antiguas de los Elementales

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Maravillas Antiguas de los Amuni

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Maravillas Antiguas de los Constructores

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Maravillas Antiguas de los Elvenar

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Maravillas Antiguas de Embajadas

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Maravillas Antiguas de los Comerciantes de Unur

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Maravillas Antiguas de Espíritu de Equipo

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Maravillas Antiguas de Venganza del exiliado

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Maravillas Antiguas del Poder de la Música

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Maravillas Antiguas de la Leyenda Valoriana


Las Maravillas Antiguas son una herencia de tus ancestros. Eran grandes y mágicas estructuras arquitectónicas que servían para diferentes propósitos: algunas eran una fuente conocimiento extra y poder en técnicas y entrenamientos de lucha, otras eran una fuente alta consciencia cultural, otras eran un símbolo e incentivo entre la union de razas y otras incluso un canal para mejorar el poder de las reliquias mágicas, incrementando la bonificación de producción.

¡Tenerlas en tu ciudad te permitirá tener todos esas bonificaciones , te ayudará a desarrollar tu raza mucho más allá y alzará tu ciudad en un nivel de prosperidad mucho más alto!

Cada raza base (Humanos y Elfos) tendrán la oportunidad de desbloquear 2 Maravillas Antiguas al final del capítulo IV y al finalizar el capítulo VI tendrás la oportunidad de acceder a 2 maravillas antiguas más, de la raza invitada, los Enanos.

En resumen, las Antiguas Maravillas te permitirán:¡

  1. Proporcionar bonificaciones permanentes adicionales para su ciudad
  2. Incentivos para explorar el Mapa Mundial mucho más allá.
  3. Promover la interacción de jugadores
  4. Permitir el uso de todas las Reliquias.

Para ponerle guinda al pastel, podrás ver el equivalente a cada Maravilla Antigua en el fondo de tu ciudad, permitiendo así vistas asombrosas.



Para construir las Maravillas Antiguas, requiere la investigación de las tecnologías y los recursos necesarios. Necesitan una conexión al Capitolio para ser activadas. Solo puedes construir las Maravillas antiguas una vez, pero pueden ser ampliadas, vendidas y reconstruidas.

Menús de Maravillas Antiguas

To build your first Ancient Wonder you first need to research and activate its corresponding technology at the end of Chapter IV. By doing so, you will also unlock the Ancient Wonder Menu, represented by a Rune Circle Icon Runecircleicon.png that will be a part of your Main Menu (just like the Trader, for example).


By clicking on the Ancient Wonders Icon, you will have access to the Ancient Wonders window where you will be able to navigate through all Ancient Wonders: The ones you have researched, built and the ones that are still locked. As an overview, you will also be able to see the progress on your activated Runes and the matching Rune Shards for each Ancient Wonder.


By hovering your mouse over each Ancient Wonder Thumbnail you will see a tooltip with:

  • The Ancient Wonder's description
  • The Building Level
  • The Ancient Wonder Bonus for your city
  • Each Bonus Status
  • The amount of available Rune Shards for the building


By opening an Ancient Wonder you will then see its own menu with three tabs:

*The Overview where you can see:

  1. The level for the building
  2. The Ancient Wonder's Bonus
  3. The bonus Status
  4. The available Rune Shards
  5. The Building Description


*The Rune Panel where you can:

  1. Insert the Runes Shards (if you have any available)
  2. See how many Runes you have activated on the Rune Circle
  3. Collect Broken Shards
  4. Buy the missing Broken Shards to forge one undisclosed Rune


*The Build Panel that will:

  1. Show you the requirements and costs for actually building the Ancient Wonder
  2. Allow you to place the building once you revealed all 9 Runes


Fragmentos de Runas

By now, you will know that the Rune Circles you recently discovered are not complete! Their Runes were shattered and are missing some parts... those parts - The Rune Shards - are still lost and you need to find them in order to complete the Circles!

Rune circle.png

Only by fully activating the Rune Circle with 9 magical Runes will you be able to build an Ancient Wonder. But this process will only be possible if you collect the missing Rune Shards, insert them in the Circle and activate the Runes.

That means your first step will be to collect the Rune Shards!

Rune shards Icons.png

Each Ancient Wonder is attached to a specific Rune Shard. You can see which Rune Shard belongs to each Ancient Wonder on the Overview panel.

You will find Rune Shards by:

  1. Completing the Provinces in the World Map - Each Completed Province will give you a random Rune Shard for the Ancient Wonders you have already unlocked in the Tech Tree.
  2. Completing Quests
  3. Investing Knowledge Points in other players' Ancient Wonders - You can invest in Ancient Wonders belonging to your Fellows or your discovered neighbors.

Provincecomplete reward.png

After collecting a Rune Shard, you need to insert it in the Rune Circle of the relevant Ancient Wonder. With a bit of fortune, it will activate one of the missing Runes within that Circle and reveal it. However, in some cases, the magic process will just try to reveal a Rune which has already been activated and in this case your Shard will break even more.

Bkokenshard pic.png

But not all is lost! Your Broken Shards will be kept and once you have collected 10 of them, you can forge them into a new unrevealed Rune.

Hint:Broken Shards can be used to reveal all kinds of Runes in any Ancient Wonder! So if you still have them after building one Ancient Wonder you can use them to forge and activate a Rune in a new one!

Ampliar Maravillas Antiguas

As explained, building an Ancient Wonder is a 3 steps process: Research its technology on the tech tree, activate the 9 runes and pay the required Goods. Once an Ancient Wonder is placed in your city, its bonus is immediately activated for your city in level 1, but you can increase those bonus by upgrading the building up to level 10.

Upgrading from level 1 to level 5 will require 2 steps: the research of the level and the use of Relics to complete the upgrade. If you click the on the Ancient Wonder you will now see 3 Tabs: Overview, Research and Upgrade.


The Research tab will show you a Knowledge Points progress bar, similar to the ones in the Tech Tree. You will then be able to invest the required Knowledge Points and see the list of players who are helping you to research the upgrade level. Once the bar is full you will need to go to the upgrade tab and finish the upgrading process by using Relics.


Hint:The amount of the different required Relics for each upgrade differs according to your boosted type! You can see the required amounts for your boosted Relics type on each building information table.

To upgrade any Ancient Wonder to its level 6 you will face a new Rune Circle that requires 9 new Runes to be revealed and activated as the architectural magic of your ancestors takes a new turn! After this, from level 6 to level 10, the Ancient Wonder will again need Knowledge Points investment and the mix of the magic relics.


Hint:The Relics required for the Ancient Wonders upgrades are removed from your Relics inventory.

That means that when you use your booted Relics, you will probably loose a small percentage your production boost. So be sure to have plenty of Relics and keep collecting lots of them, that way you can easily afford or compensate the loss of production boost when upgrading an Ancient Wonder.

Invertir en Maravillas Antiguas

It is possible for players (Fellows and discovered players) to help each other with the upgrades of Ancient Wonders! For that all is needed is to visit a player, click on the icon Runecircleicon.png over the Ancient Wonder, select the help tab and invest the desired Knowledge Points.


The top players on the helping rank will be rewarded for their investment and will get Rune Shards and/or Knowledge Points! Remember that even if your Ancient Wonder is built you will still need another set of 9 revealed Runes to upgrade it to level 6, meaning that this is an alternative to gaining them through completing Provinces. It will also contribute to your fellows city development.


You can only invest in Ancient Wonders if you have already researched their the technology yourself, meaning that once you unlock the Ancient Wonder for your race, you can immediately start to invest in Human/Elven Ancient Wonders but you will only be able to invest in Dwarven Ancient Wonders after researching the corresponding technology!

As said before, Ancient Wonders are a great way to promote players engagement with each other regardless of the chosen race. Humans can invest in Elven Ancient Wonders and vice versa, because they will receive Rune Shards for the Ancient Wonder of their own race that has the same effects as the one they have helped. For example, if you are a Human and want Rune Shards for your Great Bell Spire, you can invest in the Elven Crystal Lighthouse.


Ancient Wonders Rewards

  • Only the top helping players that have helped another Ancient Wonder will be rewarded.
  • The amount and content of the rewards depend on the Ancient Wonder level.
  • The higher the level of an Ancient Wonder the more places get a reward and bigger the rewards are
  • You do not get rewards for investing in your own Ancient Wonders. You will be shown in the Helping Rank but with no reward icon. For example, if the owner is in the first place of the helping ranking, the first reward will be granted for rank position 2 and so on.

Vender Maravillas Antiguas

Ancient Wonders can be sold, but be very aware that if you decide to do so, your city will lose all its bonus related to that building and will not get any resources back.
