A new technology will appear in the Research Tree, at the end of Chapter II. Upon unlocking it, you will be shown the tournament window!
By clicking the question mark button you can see detailed explanations about the Tournaments' events.
You will also notice that the World Map icon now has a tournament icon:
Comenzando torneos
Every week, Tournament Events take place in your solved provinces of one type, which will rotate every week. As an example we will take a closer look at a Marble Tournament.
Tournaments appear in your already solved Provinces on the World Map, so your first tournament will be available in the closest Marble province to your city.
- Each Tournament Province holds 6 levels, with 8 tournament encounters to solve per level.
- Each solved tournament encounter will give you Tournament Points as a reward.
- For each completed level you will also receive a certain amount of Tournament Points, Knowledge points and Relics. The higher the level, the better the reward. You can even get Rune Shards at the higher levels!
After finishing the 8 tournament encounters to solve the first level in the tournament, the province starts preparing for a new tournament level. This will take some time, but you will immediately be able to start participating in your second tournament province, so that you can continue your tournament journey without having to wait.
Vista general del torneo
En el mapa del mundo, verás un nuevo icono del torneo. Haciendo clic en él serás capaz de ver tus provincias del torneo activas y la información general del torneo.
A - Los números de provincia del torneo.
B - Estados de los puntos de control.
C - Mejor jugador en cada una de tus provincias del torneo.
D - Tus niveles completados en cada una de las provincias del torneo.
E - El número de encuentros del torneo resueltos en el nivel actual.
F -Ir a la provincia (si no está en preparación)
G - El tiempo restante para el evento de torneo actual.
H - Número de provincias del torneo desbloqueadas.
I - Icono para obtener más información sobre el número de provincias del torneo disponibles.
Puntos de control de provincias
Collect tournament points for each province, together with your neighbors, for even more rewards!
Each tournament province also has five checkpoints. All Tournament Points gathered in that province, by you and your neighbors, are combined! So the more checkpoints you reach in each province, the more rewards you and your neighbors will get in the end of the tournament event!
But remember: you have to finish at least one tournament level in a province to get any rewards from the checkpoints!
Consiguiendo provincias de torneo
You can choose either to Cater a tournament encounter, paying resources like regular encounters, or to fight it!
Battles become harder the further you progress in the tournaments. Also, you will be fighting against some units you may not have fought against before: did you ever wonder how it is to have to beat some Storm Barbarians or Sorceresses? Here's your chance to find out!
Fin del torneo
At the end of the Tournament Event you will receive the checkpoint rewards from all your finished tournament provinces. These are joint accomplishments, so your participating neighbors will receive the same rewards. In addition, the 100 players with the most Tournament Points will be rewarded with extra global ranking points!
Nuevo torneo
Every week you will be able to play new themed tournaments, with lots of rewards! The new Tournament resets the previous results. So with every new Tournament there is a new chance for additional ranking points and of course a new opportunity for you to be the tournament winner! So ... on your marks, get set ... and let the tournaments begin!