Torre de la Eternidad

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Spire of Eternity.png

A pearly white and mysterious building appears near your City: the Spire of Eternity! Its highest tower touches the sky and disappears in the clouds. Your fellow citizens are intrigued, some are worried. They ask you to explore this new building, seek its wonders and combat possible enemies.

Once you have reached Chapter 3, you will be able to enter the Spire between Sunday and Friday. You can explore the Spire on browser or in Elvenar's mobile app.

If you are brave, extraordinary rewards are waiting for you at the end of each level. Make sure to complete your Spire adventure before its gates close again on Friday to win all rewards!

Spire Map

The Spire comprises 3 levels between the ground and the sky. Each level is divided into 4 sections delimited by Magic Barriers. To complete these sections you will have to solve Encounters with the ghosts of the Spire: Peasants, Guards and Bosses.


Spire Encounters

Spire Encounter 1.png

There are 3 levels to explore. Each level has 4 stages and each stage has 4 Encounters. Your first Encounter is with the ghost of a peasant. As with every Encounter in Elvenar, You can either choose an aggressive approach (Battle) or a more diplomatic one (Diplomacy). Diplomacy is unique to the Spire of Eternity and, much like Negotiation, requires resources to convince your opponents to make way for you.

Spire Encounter 2.png

After solving 4 Encounters, you'll gain access to a Magic Barrier. Each Magic Barrier has a countdown timer. To open it you'll have to wait until the countdown finishes. Fortunately, if you are eager to continue sooner, you can reduce the countdown using Boosters and/or Diamonds!


Please note: The Magic Barrier's countdown will start when you collect the reward of the last Encounter of the stage.

Mystery Chests

Each Encounter of a Stage has a random chance to drop on the map a Mystery Chest but you will have to open the Stage Gate before collecting the Mystery Rewards.

You can only have 4 Mystery Chests in the mean time. If you don't open them, you will not be able to drop more Mystery Chests.

Spire mystery chest popup.png
Please note: You cannot move to the next level if you don't collect all Mystery Rewards.


In Diplomacy, you will have to make offerings to spirits in order to obtain their mercy. If you are successful in your offerings, the spirits are calmed and make way so that you can continue your ascent of the Spire. Unfortunately, if you fail, the spirits will be angry and you will have to try again or fight to complete the Encounter.


For every attempt at Diplomacy, you have three free turns. Should you need more turns to find the right combination, you can buy turns with Diamonds.

The game will present you with different types of resources. However, this does not mean that you have to use them all. Different spirits may want the same resource and it is also very well possible that a particular resource is not wanted by any of the spirits. Once you settled on the propositions that you would like to make, you can press "Offer" to have the resources deducted and to see how the spirits react to your offerings. If you find the right combination of spirit and resource, the combination is locked. If you failed to offer the right type of goods, the spirits will help you by indicating whether the specific good is needed by another spirit or if none of the spirits require the specific type of goods.

Please note: The resources offered to the spirits will be deducted from your account, even if a wrong combination was chosen.


After the first attempt:

1 - You have 2 free turns left to find the right combination;

2 - Once the correct resource was offered, this is indicated with a green circle and it is no longer possible to offer this spirit another resource;

3 - Offer highlighted in red: No spirit needs that resource. It is now impossible to select this resource again;

4 - Offer highlighted in orange: Another spirit needs the resource, but not this spirit!

Knowing this information, you can change your propositions for the second and subsequent turns.


You can abandon the Diplomatic approach at any time, but beware: any resources already offered will be lost and the Diplomacy game will be reset!

Please note: If you want to leave the Diplomacy, you will have to confirm your choice.

Diplomacy abandon.png


Puedes ver las unidades enemigas y su orden antes de iniciar una batalla. Las batallas en la Torre pueden estar compuestas de múltiples "oleadas". Cada oleada debe ganarse antes de que se resuelva todo el Encuentro. Debes planificar tus Unidades con cuidado, ya que no podrás cambiarlas entre cada oleada. Afortunadamente, puedes ver la composición de cada oleada antes de comenzar a luchar. Esto ayuda a elegir la mejor estrategia y puedes usar Diamantes para resucitar Unidades entre cada oleada.

Spire Battle.png

Jugando en el navegador, podrás elegir entre usar peleas automáticas o manuales.

Ten encuenta: ¡Ten cuidado! Si sufres una derrota durante una de las oleadas, el Encuentro se reinicia y las unidades enemigas se restauran. Si ganas la primera oleada, tendrás dos opciones: puedes luchar contra la segunda oleada o puedes retirarte del Encuentro. En el segundo caso, el Encuentro se reiniciará y se restaurarán las unidades adversarias.

En el caso improbable de una pérdida de conexión con los servidores, tu progreso se mantiene y puedes continuar con el Encuentro o la retirada.


La Torre trae un nuevo set de edificios, nuevos edificios que expiran y muchas más recompensas. Cualquier recompensa se puede obtener varias veces. ¡Asegúrate de completar la Torre para ganar todas estas increíbles recompensas!

Edificios Set

Spire Set A.png

La Biblioteca de piedra lunar te da población o cultura. Conectar los edificios set entre si aumentará su poder.

Necesitarás una estrategia para conectar todos los edificios y, si tienes éxito, el el Set de la Torre te ofrecerá: maná, provisiones, productos sensitivos, catalizadores de combinación.

Puedes ver más sobre el Set de la Torre en nuestra página dedicada.

Edificios Expirables

A Evt Djinn.png

Hay tres nuevos edificios expirables para tu ciudad: Genio, Puesto Comercial, Armero enano. Puedes saber más sobre estos edificios en nuestra pagina dedicada.