Claro del bosque

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Vista previa de los edificios de elfos del bosque
Portalsite gr4.png

Claro del bosque

Street gr4.png

Senderos del bosque

Production 1 gr4.png

Fábrica del bosque

Production 2a gr4.png

Lugar de injertos de mármol

Production 2b gr4.png

Lugar de injertos de acero

Production 2c gr4.png

Lugar de injertos de tablones

Claro del bosque

Lo que el Portal es para otras razas, el Claro del bosque es lo mismo para los Elfos del bosque: Un lugar para estar juntos y un almacén para almacenar lo que se produce en los bosques.



Siendo la única manera de almacenar los productos de los Elfos del Bosque, mantén este edificio en tu ciudad hasta que estén establecidos completamente. El claro del bosque requiere una conexión al capitolio mediante una calle, como el resto de edificios que tienes. Por otro lado, para conectar el claro del bosque a sus edificios especiales - Lugar_de_injertos_de_mármol ,Lugar_de_injertos_de_acero and Lugar_de_injertos_de_tablones - you will need a special street called the Forest Trail.


The Forest Glade will act as the storage for all that Woodelves introduce to your city, as well as being the source for their production bonus. Clicking on the building opens your inventory for the race's productions: it will show you the storage capacity for those three Goods, the amount you have of all the others as well as the current bonus percentage for all buildings' productions. When the storage is full for Wood Ghost, Wind Chimes or Treant Sprouts, it will show a red bar on the respective Good information. To enlarge its storage capacity you will need to upgrade the Forest Glade to the next level or spend some Goods!


If you hover your mouse over the Forest Glade Site you will be able to see a tooltip with the current storage capacity and how filled with Goods your building is.



You can only build the Forest Glade after researching its technology and as long as you have the proper resources to unlock it in the Research Tree. It needs a street connection to the Main Hall, it can be sold, rebuilt and upgraded.

Hint: Even if you sell your Forest Glade, you will keep the race's resources in your city! Nevertheless you might want to keep the Forest Glade until you finished all Woodelves quests.


Upgrading the Forest Glade to a new level will increase:

  1. The amount of Wood Ghost of Wind Chimes and Treant Sprouts you can store;
  2. The production bonus for all the WoodElves Goods;

Vista previa del claro del bosque

Información del claro del bosque
Nivel Requisitos Costes Beneficios
Level Size Construction Time Coins Mana Tears Wood Ghosts Wind Chimes Treant Sprouts Wood Ghosts Capacidad Wind Chimes Capacidad Treant Sprouts Capacidad Resources Production BoostAumento producción recursos
1 4x2 18h 31m 800.000 - - - - 900 600 300 -
2 4x3 19h 40m 900.000 1.180 111 74 37 1800 1200 600 20%
3 5x3 20h 43m 930.000 3.600 330 220 111 2400 1800 900 40%
4 5x4 22h 1.050.000 7.100 670 450 220 3600 2400 1200 60%

Niveles del edificio

Nivel 1 Nivel 2 Nivel 3 Nivel 4
B GR4 Portal 1 0016.png
B GR4 Portal 2 0009.png
B GR4 Portal 3 0016.png
B GR4 Portal 4 0009.png
Presiona en cada edificio para ver una imagen mayor.