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Comienzas el evento Magia Invernal con 100 llaves [[File:postal_Keys.png|25px]] y cada misión del evento te dará más como recompensa por completar las tareas asignadas. Cada día que juegues durante el Evento, recibirás una recompensa de inicio de sesión diaria de Magia Invernal de 30 llaves [[File:Postal_Keys.png|25px]].
Comienzas el evento Magia Invernal con 50 llaves postales [[File:postal_Keys.png|25px]] y cada misión del evento te dará más como recompensa por completar las tareas asignadas. Cada día que juegues durante el Evento, recibirás una recompensa de inicio de sesión diaria de Magia Invernal de 30 llaves [[File:Postal_Keys.png|25px]].


Revisión del 14:24 27 nov 2022


Mainbanner winter2022.png

The avaricious Boblin is eager to expand his business even more as the season of miracles, presents, and snow approaches. He issues orders to his goblins to delve farther and wider into the frozen earth, setting off a powerful avalanche. With one exception, the plains are entirely painted white by this dreadful natural force. A fascinating glacier with all the hues of the rainbow glistens among the white, frozen plains. Boblin and his goblins rush toward the glacier, mesmerized by its beauty, mining and wrecking it. They had no idea that this vibrant ice was more than just a gorgeous adornment. However, Yetis are aware of this event and are adamant about protecting the ice from rapacious Goblins.

Bring a hot chocolate and your warmest clothes along as you go on this winter expedition with Boblin and Yotoham to discover the mysteries of the strange glacier!​

Misiones & Hitos de misión

La línea de misiones consta de una sección de misiones de historia y misiones adicionales episódicas que comienzan tan pronto como se completan las de historia. Esto significa que podrás terminar la primera serie de misiones de inmediato, mientras que las misiones adicionales se renuevan diariamente, lo que te permite continuar jugando una misión de evento adicional cada día.

Resolver misiones de eventos también conlleva beneficios adicionales, ya que cada misión completada te acerca a alcanzar uno de los Hitos, lo que te otorga recompensas adicionales simplemente por alcanzarlo.

Winter Magic2022 quest progress.png

Menú del Evento

WMagic2022 tab0.png

Cada misión completada te dará llaves postales Postal Keys.png como recompensa y se añaden automáticamente al menú del evento. Con las llaves puedes abrir buzones para ganar únicos y preciosos edificios de evento y otros artículos. Abrir los buzones también te otorgará Regalos de invierno Winter Gifts.png para avanzar hacia los Grandes Premios, ¡pero eso no es todo! En el Evento de Magia invernal de este año, al abrir un buzón, se añadirá una estrella postal al contador de poderes especiales. Una vez hayas reunido la cantidad requerida, puedes usarlas para activar los poderes especiales para cambiar aún más las probabilidades a tu favor.

WMagic2020 EventButton.png

Al hacer clic en el ícono del menú del evento, accederás a la ventana del evento, que te brindará mucha información y te permitirá utilizar las llaves que hayas reunido:

WMagic2022 Explain.png
  1. El tiempo que queda hasta que finalice el evento.
  2. El Gran Premio por el que estás trabajando ahora y un adelanto del que vendrá.
  3. Cuando veas que has alcanzado 5/5 cambios y quieras cambiar tu premio diario, simplemente pulsa el botón Cambios, confirma tu elección y verás el cambio de tu premio especial diario.
  4. Tu premio diario exclusivo. Coloca el cursor sobre el edificio para ver su descripción.
  5. La cantidad de llaves postalesPostal Keys.png que has recolectado y que aún no has gastado.
  6. Te permite comprar llaves postales con Diamantes.
  7. Muestra cuántos regalos de invierno Winter Gifts.png se han entregado y muestra el progreso actual para desbloquear los grandes premios.
  8. Uli el búho, el nuevo aprendiz de repartidor: Al entregar los Regalos de Invierno de los buzones, seguirá el camino hacia el Gran Premio .
  9. Buzones que puedes abrir con llaves postales para ganar una recompensa y obtener regalos de invierno y estrellas postales.
  10. Poderes especiales: "Revelar dos" y "Recompensa doble": cuando se haya abierto el número requerido de buzones, puedes usarlos para revelar dos recompensas aleatorias o duplicar la recompensa en el siguiente buzón abierto. La función "Mezclar" se puede activar utilizando las llaves siempre que desees obtener un nuevo conjunto de buzones .

También puedes hacer click en el botón Helpbtto.png para ver la información de ayuda sobre Magia Invernal.

Llaves postales

WMagic2020 tab2.png

Comienzas el evento Magia Invernal con 50 llaves postales Postal Keys.png y cada misión del evento te dará más como recompensa por completar las tareas asignadas. Cada día que juegues durante el Evento, recibirás una recompensa de inicio de sesión diaria de Magia Invernal de 30 llaves Postal Keys.png.

WMagic2021 daily login.png

Además, de vez en cuando, encontrarás más llaves postales en las afueras de tu ciudad para que las recojas.

WMagic City collect.png

A continuación, puedes utilizar las llaves postales para abrir buzones. Las llaves adicionales se desbloquean al alcanzar el tercer hito de la misión.

Recuerda que el evento Magia Invernal solo dura unas pocas semanas, y después de eso ya no podrás usar tus llaves para abrir buzones y ganar recompensas increíbles, ¡así que no pierdas el tiempo!


Each day the Winter Magic Event starts with a total of 16 locked Postal Boxes that are just waiting for you to open them using Postal Keys. At the start of each day, you will be presented with a new selection of rewards hidden within the Postal Boxes. To give you an idea of what you can win, the rewards are visible at first but you must "Shuffle" them before you open the doors to claim them.

WMagic2020 Postal boxes.png

You can activate a manual "Shuffle" at any point in time, given you have the required 45 Postal Keys.


Use your Postal Keys to open a Postal Boxes. Each one will give you a Winter Gift plus one of many different rewards like the changing Daily Exclusives, Instants, Knowledge Points, Rune Shards, special Buildings or more Postal Keys.

Hint:If you have already found the prizes you were looking for, using the Shuffle button to get a new set of closed doors might be a good strategy.

Poderes especiales

WMagic2020 tab4.png

Each time you open a Postal Box, 1 Postal Star is added to the Special Powers counter. Once you have gathered the required amount you can then use the respective Power to further increase your odds!

There are 3 Special Powers you can use:
Wintermagic2020 special1.png Reshuffle - At the cost of 45 Postal Keys it presents you with new rewards, closes all previously opened Postal Boxes and allows you to "shuffle" them again.
Wintermagic2020 special2.png 2x - Doubles up the rewards in the next Postal Box that is opened after activation.
Wintermagic2020 reveal.png Magnifier - Shows the contents of two, as yet unopened, Postal Boxes.
Please Note:You cannot continue to collect additional Postal Stars if a Special Power is ready to use. Only after a Power has been used will the counter start increasing again with each new door opened.

Regalos de invierno

WMagic2020 tab3.png

Each time you open a Postal Box, you will be rewarded with a Winter Gift. If you have used the "2x" Special Power previously, you will even receive two Winter Gifts.

Every Postal Box you open also contains a Winter Gift that Uli, the delivery owl, will deliver to your citizens. Once Uli delivered a total of 20 Winter Gifts, the next Grand Prize is unlocked for you.

Eventprogression winter2022.png


Edificio evolucionable

WMagic2022 tab4.png

A new Evolving Building is available in the Winter Magic Event: the Chromafrost Glacier! Your Evolving building can be evolved through 10 stages to increase its power.

Chromafrost Glacier

The Chromafrost Glacier provides Culture, Population and produces Refined Goods +2 as standard production. From stage 4 upwards your Evolving Building will produce Basic Ascended Goods +1 (depending on the Chapter) and on higher stages, Knowledge Points will be added to the production. As it evolves, you will receive higher amounts of these resources!

For more information on Evolving Buildings, go to our página dedicada al tema.

Pase de Premios Real

The Royal Prize Pass is an additional feature, which can accompany any regular Event in Elvenar.

Prizepass new WM22.png

For every event step completed, you will make a step towards the next Grand Prize, and an additional Prize within the Royal Prize Pass!

In the Grand Prizes window, available from the Event screen if the Event is using the mechanic, you can see the upcoming event prizes that are waiting for you to be unlocked. Here, for every step earned from collecting Event Currency, you can unlock one of the event Grand Prizes, among which you can find various high-rarity instants, Artifacts, and so on.

The Royal Prize Pass adds Royal Grand Prizes, which can be collected with the regular Grand Prizes. The Royal Prize lane becomes available with purchasing the Royal Prize Pass and you can do so at any time in the event! For this event, the exclusive building that will be granted with the purchase of the Royal Prize pass is the Vibrant Village!

A Evt December XXII Vibrant Village1 1 0012.png

Grandes Premios

The Grand Prizes Line is always the most appealing one, as this is where you can win and gather the necessary Artifacts to evolve your Evolving Building to the next stage!

Winter Magic22 Artifact.png

Grand Prizes include the Chromafrost Glacier Artifact, which allows you to evolve your Chromafrost Glacier to the next stage. See Edificios Evolucionables for more information on the evolution process.

For every 20 Winter Gifts delivered you can collect the next available Grand Prize, which can be a Chromafrost Glacier Artifact or a unique and exclusive item such as an exclusive Portrait that is not available anywhere else in the game!

WM2022 Portrait.png

It is also in the Grand Prizes line that two new Tomes will be available for you:

  • Tome of the Plentiful - You can choose whether to receive a quantity of Orcs, Mana, Seeds or Unurium (available when 200 Winter Gifts are delivered).
  • Tome of Frozen Goods - You can choose whether to receive one of 3 brand new Expiring Buildings or Boosted Precious Ascended Goods (available when 240 Winter Gifts are delivered), check out the bottom of the page to know more about the new Edificios Expirables.

If you wish to know more about available Tomes, please visit the Sorceries dedicated article!

Premios Diarios

Each day, you will have a chance to win a Daily Exclusive Prize from Postal Boxes. This year, you can once again see some buildings from previous events but also 2 brand new buildings.

Fragile Bubble Brisk Market
A Evt December XXII Fragile Bubble1 1 0012.png
A Evt December XXII Brisk Market1 1 0012.png
Culture + Mana Populationadd.png + Culture + Basic Sentient Goods
Please note : Resources depend on the chapter you are currently in, if the described resource is not yet available, you will receive another resource instead.

Wmagic2022 reward panel.png

After collecting the Daily Exclusive rewards and Grand Prizes, you will find them in your InventoryInventory icon normal.png

Please note: All building values and effects depend on the chapter you are in at the time you add the buildings to your Inventory.

Set de edificios

Do you remember the first ever Building Set? Or have you heard of it and really wanted to have this wonderful Set in your city?! Now you can! In this event, placed in the Daily Prizes during the several days of the event, Royal Prize Pass and Grand Prizes Line, are the pieces of the whole Building Set. Be sure to come to the game every day so that you have a real chance of collecting every single building of this Magnificent Set!

Winter Set.png

The Buildings that belong to this Set are: Ice Mountain Troll, Orc Vortex, Giants Hand and Frozen Fountain! If you wish to know more about this and other Buildings Sets, Por favor, visita la página dedicada al tema.

Edificios expirables

This year, the Winter event releases 3 new Expiring Buildings but these will only be accessible by obtaining the Tome of Frozen Goods Sorcery which is only available when you reach the 240 Winter Gifts delivery milestone!

You can only choose one of these buildings, if you wish to know more about the Sorceries, por favor, visita la página dedicada a Hechicerías!

Criomaná Criosemillas Crionurium
A Evt December XXII Cryomana1 1 0012.png A Evt December XXII Cryoseeds1 1 0012.png A Evt December XXII Cryonurium1 0012.png
Reduces Mana Decay Reduces Divine Seeds Decay Reduces Unurium Decay
Pista: Si deseas saber más sobre Edificios expirables, por favor, visita la página dedicada al tema.

As usual in this year Winter Magic event, when you reach the last milestone reward, you will receive a brand new Expiring Building: The Goddess of Wishes grants you a random reward every 12 hours.

GodessofWishes 2x2.png